Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use your keyboard and mouse to quickly accomplish many tasks in iWeb.


Open iWeb Help > Command-question mark (?)

Open iWeb preferences > Command-comma (,)

Show/hide layout > Shift-Command-L

Show/hide Inspector > Option-Command-I

Selecting and editing text:

Select one or more characters
> Click in front of the first character and drag across the characters you want to select

Select a word > Double-click the word

Select a paragraph > Triple-click in the paragraph

Select multiple words or blocks of text that aren't next to one another
> Select the first text, then select additional text while pressing Command

Extend text selection > Click in the text, then Shift-click in another location in the text

Extend selection one character to the right > Shift-Right Arrow

Extend selection one character to the left > Shift-Left Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the current word > Shift-Option-Right Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the current word > Shift-Option-Left Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the current line > Shift-Command-Right Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the current line > Shift-Command-Left Arrow

Extend selection to the line above > Shift-Up Arrow

Extend selection to the line below > Shift-Down Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the current paragraph > Shift-Option-Up Arrow

Extend selection to the end of the current paragraph > Shift-Option-Down Arrow

Extend selection to the beginning of the text (in the current text box)
> Shift-Command-Up Arrow or > Shift-Home

Extend selection to the end of the text (in the current text box)
> Shift-Command-Down Arrow or > Shift-End

Move one character to the right > Right Arrow

Move one character to the left > Left Arrow

Move to the line above > Up Arrow

Move to the line below > Down Arrow

Move to the beginning of the current or previous word > Option-Left Arrow

Move to the end of the current or next word > Option-Right Arrow

Move to the beginning of the current line > Command-Left Arrow

Move to the end of the current line > Command-Right Arrow

Move to the beginning of the current paragraph > Option-Up Arrow

Move to the end of the current paragraph > Option-Down Arrow

Move to the beginning of the current text box > Command-Up Arrow

Move to the end of the current text box > Command-Down Arrow

Scroll to the top of the page > Home

Scroll to the end of the page > End

Formatting text:

Show Fonts window > Command-T

Show Colors window > Shift-Command-C

Make selected text bold > Command-B

Make selected text italic > Command-I

Underline selected text > Command-U

Delete the previous character or selection > Delete

Delete the next character or selection > Del (not available on all keyboards)

Make selected text bigger > Command-plus sign (+) or Command-equal sign (=)

Make selected text smaller > Command-minus sign (-)

Make selected text superscript > Control-Command-plus sign (+)

Make selected text subscript > Control-Command-minus sign (-)

Align text flush left > Shift-Command-left curly brace ( { )

Center text > Shift-Command-vertical line ( | )

Align text flush right > Shift-Command-right curly brace ( } )

Align text flush right and flush left (justify) > Shift-Command-Option-vertical line ( | )

Copy paragraph style > Option-Command-C

Copy character tyle > Shift-Option-Command-C

Paste character or paragraph style > Option-Command-V

Paste and match style of destination text > Shift-Option-Command-V

Insert nonbreaking space > Option-Space bar

Insert line break (soft return) > Shift-Return

Edit hypertext without disabling hyperlinks > Arrow keys into text

Manipulating objects:

Draw a shape > Option-click Shapes toolbar button, choose a shape, and drag to size

Move selected object one point > Arrow key

Move selected object ten points > Shift-arrow key

Send selected object to the back > Shift-Command-B

Send selected object back (down) one layer > Shift-Option-Command-B

Bring selected object to the front > Shift-Command-F

Bring selected object forward one layer > Shift-Option-Command-F

Constrain movement of object to 45 degrees > Shift-drag

Resize object from center > Option-drag handle

Constrain aspect ratio when resizing object > Shift-drag handle

Constrain aspect ratio when resizing object from center > Shift-Option-drag handle

Rotate object > Command-drag handle

Rotate object 45 degrees > Shift-Command-drag handle

Rotate object around opposite handle (instead of center) > Option-Command-drag handle

Turn off alignment guides while dragging object > Command-drag

Mask or unmask object > Shift-Command-M

Exit mask mode > Return, Command-Return, Enter, double-click

Reenter mask mode > Double-click the masked image

Open shortcut menu for selected object > Control-click

Exit text edit mode and select text box or shape > Command-Return