Apple TV

Playing your iTunes library on your TV:

If you have an Apple TV, you can stream items (songs, movies, TV shows, and more) from your iTunes library to your TV.

You can also sync your Apple TV with your iTunes library so that your iTunes content is automatically loaded onto your Apple TV.

Syncing your Apple TV with iTunes:
  • If your Apple TV is synced with an iTunes library, it is already set up for streaming.
  • You can also stream items from an iTunes library that isn't synced with your Apple TV.
  • You can stream from up to five iTunes libraries, plus the library the Apple TV is synced with.

To set up your Apple TV for streaming:
  • Make sure the computer you want to stream from is turned on, and iTunes is open.
  • Go to iTunes > Preferences, choose Apple TV, and make sure “Look for Apple TVs” is selected.
  • On your Apple TV, choose Settings > Computers > “Add Shared iTunes Library,” and then note the passcode displayed.
  • In iTunes, select the Apple TV with “Click to set up” next to it, and enter the passcode.
  • While content is being streamed, the computer must remain on (not in Sleep mode) and iTunes must remain open.
  • If you stream content while Apple TV is syncing, the sync pauses until streaming stops.
For more information, see the Apple TV user’s guide at the Apple TV Support website.

Removing an Apple TV from your iTunes library:

You can remove an Apple TV that has been added to your iTunes library.

To remove an Apple TV from your iTunes library:
  • Choose iTunes > Preferences, and then click Apple TV.
  • Select the Apple TV, and then click Remove Apple TV.
For more information, see the Apple TV user’s guide at the Apple TV Support website.

Viewing photos on your TV using an Apple TV:

If you have an Apple TV, you can view digital photos on your TV.
You can either sync photos from your computer to your Apple TV (for instructions, see Related Topics below), or you can stream them from a computer.

To stream photos to your TV:
  • Set up your Apple TV to stream content from the iTunes library on the computer with the photos you want to stream.
  • Playing your iTunes library on your TV
  • In iTunes, select the Apple TV icon (beow Devices), and then click the Photos tab.
  • If you don’t see the Apple TV icon or the Photos tab, make sure you’re using Apple TV software version 1.1 or later.
  • Choose the photos you want to stream, and then click Apply.

Playing home movies on your TV using an Apple TV:

If you have an Apple TV, you can watch many videos in your iTunes library on your TV.

Video in your iTunes library must be compatible with Apple TV.
If you drag a video file from the Finder to the iTunes window and the video doesn’t appear in iTunes, it isn’t compatible.
In some cases, you can save video files in a different format so that they work with iTunes.

Any video that plays on an iPod is compatible with Apple TV.

Here are ways to save a version of a video to work with iTunes and Apple TV:
  • Try selecting the movie in iTunes and then choosing Advanced > “Create Apple TV Video.”
  • In iMovie, you can save your movie as a QuickTime movie or export it directly to your iTunes library. Choose Share > iTunes, click Apple TV, and then click Publish. (For more information, see iMovie Help.)
  • If you have QuickTime Pro, open your movie in QuickTime Player and then choose File > Export > “Movie to Apple TV.” For more information, see QuickTime Player Help.
For more information, see the Apple TV user’s guide at the Apple TV Support website.

Preparing movies to work with Apple TV:

If you have an Apple TV, you can use it to watch movies from your computer on your TV.
You might need to convert some movies to work with Apple TV.

To convert a movie:
  • In iTunes, select the movie.
  • If the movie isn't in your iTunes library yet, drag the movie file to the iTunes window.
  • Choose Advanced > “Create Apple TV Video.”
Converting a movie for Apple TV can take several minutes to several hours, depending on your computer and on the length and content of the movie.

The original movie file remains in your iTunes library

If your Apple TV doesn't appear in iTunes:

If your Apple TV doesn't appear in the iTunes window (below Devices), note the following:
  • Make sure your Apple TV is turned on and connected to your network. To check your network settings on your Apple TV, choose Settings > General > Network.
  • Choose iTunes > Preferences, click Apple TV, and make sure “Look for Apple TVs” is selected.
  • If the Firewall service is turned on (in the Sharing pane of System Preferences), make sure “iTunes Music Sharing” is selected.
For more information, see the Apple TV user’s guide at the Apple TV Support website.