Remote Folder and Synchronization

One favorite solution comes from a third party application. Dropbox provides 2GB free storage that is automitacally synchronized among all your computers and on remote servers of Dropbox. This safe, fast and robust. By using the above link, you will get an extra 500MB of free storage. For even more free storage, link your dropbox to your twitter/facebook account. One drawback is that your files are copied on Dropbox servers. If that bothers you, simply encrypt sensible datas or don't synchronize those with Dropbox.  

SSH Mount
The package sshfs lets you mount a remote volume from anywhere through assh access. Together with the front engine osxfuse (previously known as Macfuse), it provides a very convenient solution that works both from office and home.
  1. Install both oxfuse and sshfs from the webpage FUSE for OS X.
  2. In order to mount the remote volume, write into a terminal:
sshfs login@remote_address:remote_folder local_folder-oauto_cache,reconnect,volname=volume_name

A remote folder can be synchronized to a local one using rsync command.
  1. To backup a remote folder: rsync -auz -vv -e ssh login@remote_address:remote_folder local_folder
  2. To export a local folder: rsync -auz -vv -e ssh local_folder login@remote_address:remote_folder
  3. One can also exlude some file by adding --exclude "pattern" between the source and the destination